B2B Marketer Testing & Tracking

Project Description:

Stock Photo, Stock Illustration, and Font Marketer Testing and Tracking Program


One of the world's leading resources for creative professionals, graphic designers, and multimedia professionals needed assistance with catalog circulation for this specific audience.


Marketry was tapped to develop direct mail media plans that reached print, web, multimedia, game designers along with creative directors/managers in web design firms, graphic design shops, ad agencies, and in-house publishing departments. In addition, Marketry was consulted to help develop specific list test cells and to develop systems that allowed the stock photo company to further enhance its tracking and ROI analyses. Marketry recommended a new system where both call center and web-based transactions from catalog circulation are compared to the actual catalog circulation databases, further capturing more detailed and accurate ROI measurements.


A regular catalog circulation program is in place and is providing positive ROI. With the tracking and ROI system in place there is ongoing fine-tuning of lists, creative, and offers. This, of course, allows for continued improvement in response and ROI.

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